Handling unhandled promise rejections in async functions

Gajus Kuizinas
3 min readNov 2, 2019


I am developing a HTTP proxy service and I have observed presence of an odd error message in my logs:

unhandledRejection RequestError: HTTP request error.
at /dev/rayroute/raygun/src/factories/createRequest.js:107:13
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:93:5) {
originalError: Error: test
at /dev/rayroute/raygun/src/factories/createRequest.js:73:29
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:93:5)

It is odd because there are plethora of tests to ensure that all errors are handled. It is also odd because I have never never seen unhandled rejection while developing the service (only ever saw it in production logs).

The relevant code looks like this:

const activeRequestHandler = createRequest(requestDefinition);if (incomingMessage.socket) {
incomingMessage.socket.on('close', () => {
if (responseIsReceived) {
log.trace('client disconnected after response');
} else {
log.debug('client disconnected');
activeRequestHandler.abort(new Error('CLIENT_DISCONNECTED'));
try {
await actions.afterRequestActions(
} catch (error) {
error: serializeError(error),
}, 'afterRequest threw an error');
try {
responseDefinition = await activeRequestHandler.response;
} catch (error) {
error: serializeError(error),
}, 'an error occurred while waiting for a HTTP response');
// [..]

It is pretty straightforward:

  • createRequest initiates a HTTP request and returns a request handler
  • the request handler can be used to abort the ongoing request (afterRequestActions aborts request after a hard-timeout); and
  • it is used to resolve the response or eventual rejection of the promise

I have written tests to ensure that errors are handled when:

  • request rejected
  • request aborted
  • afterRequestActions throws an error

, but all tests are passing.

It turns out that the problem was that in all my test cases actions.afterRequestActions was resolving/ being rejected before activeRequestHandler.response is resolved. Meanwhile, in production afterRequestActions contains logic that can take substantially longer to execute. I have also learned that even if you declare a try..catch block for your async function, if it resolves before it is await-ted, then you will get an unhandled rejection, i.e.

This code will not warn about unhandled rejection:

const delay = require('delay');const main = async () => {
const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
reject(new Error('Expected rejection.'));
}, 100);
await delay(90); try {
await promise;
} catch (error) {

But this code will always produce a warning about an unhandled rejection:

const delay = require('delay');const main = async () => {
const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
reject(new Error('Expected rejection.'));
}, 100);
await delay(110); try {
await promise;
} catch (error) {

The best solution is to add an auxiliary catch block, e.g. This is how I refactored my original code:

const activeRequestHandler = createRequest(requestDefinition);// Without this we were getting occasional unhandledRejection errors.
// @see https://dev.to/gajus/handling-unhandled-promise-rejections-in-async-functions-5b2b
activeRequestHandler.response.catch((error) => {
error: serializeError(error),
}, 'an error occurred while waiting for a HTTP response (early warning)');
if (incomingMessage.socket) {
incomingMessage.socket.on('close', () => {
if (responseIsReceived) {
log.trace('client disconnected after response');
} else {
log.debug('client disconnected');
activeRequestHandler.abort(new Error('CLIENT_DISCONNECTED'));
try {
await actions.afterRequestActions(
} catch (error) {
error: serializeError(error),
}, 'afterRequest threw an error');
try {
responseDefinition = await activeRequestHandler.response;
} catch (error) {
error: serializeError(error),
}, 'an error occurred while waiting for a HTTP response');
// [..]



Gajus Kuizinas
Gajus Kuizinas

Written by Gajus Kuizinas

Founder, engineer interested in JavaScript, PostgreSQL and DevOps. Follow me on Twitter for outbursts about startups & engineering. https://twitter.com/kuizinas

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